Hello everyone at home!
I am currently sitting with my host sister, Marina. I have been here in Moldova for two full days. I arrived yesterday around noon and haven't seemed to catch my breath since. The country is awesome, definitely post-commie and definitely beautiful. The weather has been very warm and the people have all been quite friendly. Today, we walked around the Captial, enjoyed the company of some of the current Peace Corps Volunteers and had our first 'official' language class. And, so begins my lessons to learn a language I am certain to butcher for atleast the next 26 months. I was dropped with my host family yesterday and it was a rather surreal moment steping out of a huge van my first day in Moldova and being met by my two host sisters (Marina and Elena). That surreal moment was met by awkward greetings, my first official greeting to my new family..."Buna Ziua!" I exclaimed uncomfortably, knowing full well I had killed however I was supposed to pronounce the greeting. The first night I was so tired I went to bed early, but not before walking around the town eating cheery's we had picked from the garden (ummm yum!).
Tomorrow begins another set of lessons and another exhuasting day of trying to wrap my tiny brain around this whole experience.
I am not one to be plagued with homesickenss easily...but somehow I have found that being here is harder than I thought it would be, given Sam's looming graduation. That being said, my Daddy didn't raise no quit-ter and I have way too much to learn to even consider coming home...sorry Dad. It is all happening so quickly, I have barely had a second to catch my breath, I'm trying to soak it all up and relay on as much as I can.
Also, you should note, the word spell on this computer is in Romanian so I apologize in advance for the typos the entire screen is a giant red squiggly line. ;D
So, for now---Noapte Buna,
Hello Brit. Glad to hear you made it safely. hope all goes well. Talking to my friend wayne who just got home after his 2 year tour. You will find time will indeed pass quickly. So enjoy your experience , learn a lot, and have fun. love ya Jon